

Info about Can Gourmet Ibiza:

We are the owners of the trademark “Can Gourmet” and our shop is in Mallorca.
We have no shop in Ibiza and “Can Gourmet” Ibiza uses our brand without our consent.

We wish the owners on Ibiza all the best, but please without disregarding our trademark Rights.


Info bzgl. Can Gourmet Ibiza:

Wir sind die Besitzer der Trademark “Can Gourmet” und unser Geschäft ist auf Mallorca.
Wir haben kein Geschäft auf Ibiza und “Can Gourmet” Ibiza nutzt unsere Marke ohne unser Einverständnis.

Wir wünschen den Besitzern auf Ibiza alles Gute, aber bitte ohne die Missachtung unserer Markenrechte

Can Gourmet Ibiza - Sluurpy

2 thoughts on “Ibiza

  1. Hello, how are you? This morning he passed through his establishment and it was closed. I wanted to ask for a budget of a basket of products, preferably of Balearic origin, I would need different prices to be able to choose and photo if it is so kind. Thank you very much, greetings.

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